Penang Handyman Wanted! We're Hiring!

Question: What are the hours of work?

Answer: The working hours are from Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm, with some flexibility depending on the workload. There is also the potential for overtime pay, based on the allowance for each job.

Question: What are the benefits of the job?

Answer: The benefits of the job include extra allowance, skills to be learned from me, and the opportunity to advance in the company. I am also willing to provide video training to help you learn the skills you need.

Question: What is the training process like?

Answer: The training process is one-on-one and step-by-step. I will teach you everything you need to know to be successful in this role. I am also willing to record video training to help you learn the skills you need.

Question: What are the opportunities for advancement?

Answer: There are opportunities for advancement in the company, such as the chance to become your own boss or become a partner in the business. I am always looking for talented and motivated individuals to join my team.

Question: What are the company's policies on sick leave, vacation, and overtime?

Answer: At the moment, we do not offer paid sick leave or vacation. However, I am open to discussing this with you if you are offered the job. Overtime pay is based on the allowance for each job.

Question: What are the company's safety policies?

Answer: We take safety very seriously. All employees are required to follow safety regulations at all times. We also provide safety training to all new employees.

Question: What are the company's drug and alcohol policies?

Answer: We have a strict drug and alcohol policy. Employees are not permitted to use drugs or alcohol on the job.

We would like to know from you, before you join us.